
Understanding ARIA Tags

Making the Web Accessible for All

Making the Web Accessible for All

Brenden Kitt


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The internet connects us all, but not everyone can access it easily. Over 1 billion people worldwide live with disabilities, many facing challenges when navigating websites. To address this, web developers use ARIA tags to make websites accessible to everyone. This article explores what ARIA tags are, why they matter, and how they're used.

What Are ARIA Tags?

ARIA stands for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. ARIA tags are special attributes added to HTML (the code used to create websites) that help assistive technologies, like screen readers, understand the content and functionality of a web page. Think of ARIA tags as signs that guide people through a building, helping them find their way. In the same way, ARIA tags guide assistive technologies through a website.

For instance, an ARIA tag might tell a screen reader that a specific element is a button, even if it doesn't look like a traditional button visually.

Why Are ARIA Tags Important?

Imagine trying to navigate a website without being able to see it. This is the reality for people who are blind or visually impaired. ARIA tags help by providing additional information about the web page's structure and elements. For example, they can indicate which parts of the page are buttons, menus, or forms, making it easier for screen readers to convey this information to the user.

By using ARIA tags, web developers can ensure their websites are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities. This not only makes the internet more inclusive but also helps businesses reach a broader audience. Moreover, in many countries, web accessibility is becoming a legal requirement, making the implementation of ARIA tags even more crucial.

Common ARIA Tags and Their Uses

Here are some common ARIA tags and what they do:


Provides a label for an element. This is useful for buttons or icons that don't have visible text.


Indicates that an element should be hidden from screen readers. This can be used for decorative elements that don't need to be announced.


Tells screen readers that an element's content may change and should be announced when it does. This is helpful for live updates, like notifications.


Points to another element that is controlled by the current element. This is useful for dropdown menus or tabs.


Indicates whether an element, like a menu or accordion, is expanded or collapsed.

Diving Deeper into ARIA Tags

For those who want to explore more technical aspects of ARIA tags, here's a deeper dive:


ARIA roles define what an element is. For example, role="button" tells assistive technologies that the element functions as a button. There are various roles like alert, dialog, navigation, and more.


<div role="button" aria-label="Close">X</div>

States and Properties

ARIA states and properties give additional information about the state of elements. For instance, aria-checked indicates whether a checkbox is checked or not. aria-selected tells if an item in a list is selected.


<div role="checkbox" aria-checked="true">Remember me</div>


These are special roles that define large regions of a page, like banner, main, complementary, and contentinfo. Landmarks help users quickly navigate through different sections of a page.


<header role="banner"> <!-- Header content --> </header>

Keyboard Navigation

ARIA tags can enhance keyboard navigation, ensuring that users who can't use a mouse can still navigate the website effectively. Using attributes like tabindex and managing focus states with ARIA can greatly improve the user experience.


<div role="button" tabindex="0" aria-pressed="false">Toggle Menu</div>

Best Practices Checklist for Using ARIA Tags

  1. Use native HTML elements when possible before resorting to ARIA.

  2. Don't change the native semantics of an element unless absolutely necessary.

  3. All interactive ARIA controls must be usable with the keyboard.

  4. Don't use role="presentation" or aria-hidden="true" on focusable elements.

  5. All interactive elements should have an accessible name.


ARIA tags play a crucial role in making the web accessible to everyone. By adding these tags to their websites, developers can ensure that people with disabilities have a better experience online. This not only promotes inclusivity but also helps businesses reach a wider audience and comply with legal requirements.

Updated September 9, 2024

Brenden Kit is a content writer at Flowpoint, crafting engaging and impactful content with his expertise in creative writing and digital marketing. His storytelling skills and attention to detail keep Flowpoint’s content fresh and relevant.