Path Explorer


Path Explorer

A bird's eye view of your website traffic. Discover common entrance, exit, and click-through paths.


Path Explorer

A bird's eye view of your website traffic. Discover common entrance, exit, and click-through paths.

Your Vantage Point for
Monitoring Web Traffic

Your Vantage Point For Monitoring
Web Traffic

See the Full Picture

Path Explorer is your bird's-eye view of the traffic flowing through your website. Easily see high-traffic click-through paths.

Measure with Flows

Convert common click-through paths to optimized user journeys. With one click, you can create a Flow based on a click-through pattern in Path Explorer.

Group & Filter Traffic

Drill-down into traffic patterns with groups and filters. See campaign-specific traffic or use URL filtering to pinpoint specific referring domains.

Uncover Emerging Paths

Spot new ways that visitors are using your website. Path Explorer helps you uncover emerging click-through paths on your website.

Get to Know Path Explorer

Learn about Path Explorer in 60 seconds.