Session Log


Session Log

See actions and behaviors for specific website visitors.


Session Log

See actions and behaviors for specific website visitors.

Explore Website Visitor Sessions

Explore Website
Visitor Sessions

Use Session Log to see every action visitors take on your website.

Use Session Log to see every action
visitors take on your website.

Get Granular with Event-Based Logging

Get Granular with
Event-Based Logging

View individual actions like clicks, scrolls, reloads, and custom events. See key session data points like browser, country, device type, and operating system.

View individual actions like clicks, scrolls, reloads, and custom events. See key session data points like browser, country, device type, and operating system.

Search and Filter Sessions

Drill into session data with powerful filtering. Pinpoint specific sessions using the built-in search.

Session Data

Download session data for further analysis or storage. Export all sessions or key segments using filters.

See Identified Visitors

Surface identified visitors in the Session Log by using Visitor ID. Translate anonymous insights into actionable intelligence.

Get to Know Session Log

Learn about Session Log in 60 seconds.